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Our Company(公司简介)

Velocity International’s parent company, Healing America, is a privately held, international company. Founded May 1, 1997, in Owensboro, Kentucky, Healing America has grown from its humble beginnings in a 3000 square foot building to a well established company, still in Owensboro, but in a beautiful 56,000 square foot facility. Healing America is currently doing business in the U. S. and Canada, and is poised for major expansion around the globe. Healing America prides itself in having an elite management team with a wide range of expertise, from running government offices to over 40 years' combined experience in home office operations including the founding, management and successful operations of multi-million dollar corporations.

Being at the forefront of trends, Healing America brings a commitment of excellence in products, and that was the launching pad for Velocity International Marketing. With its beginning on May 1, 2007, Velocity International launched and has never looked back.
With is initial product, Maximum Velocity, the company took great strides over the last 2 years with advancements Internationally into the Asian Markets, Russia and the EU. Maximum Velocity continues to be an amazing success, but the company found and began developing over a 6 month timeframe a liquid supplement that launches into the Super Fruit market, the KING of all superfruits, Maqui.
With the launch of the Patagonian Maqui Juice, Velocity International is on the business path to become one of the top 5 Network Marketing Companies currently in business. Each passing day brings to our family amazing opportunities, relationships and, most importantly, success for those who choose to become part of Velocity International Marketing.
We welcome you to the Velocity International team and congratulate you on your decision to take the first steps toward your financial freedom.



『威樂』正如他響亮的名字所代表的含義,這是一個發揮威力, 帶給世人快樂的全新機會, 你必然迫不及待的想認識他, 這個來自美國中西部肯塔基州的威樂国际提供了東方加上西方數千年的智慧結晶,如何用最天然, 滋補的配方解決現代人疲倦,壓力的問題 。


● 公司成立於2007 年4月, 是一家集行銷、研發、倉儲及生產於一體的國際公司, 總部位於肯塔基州文斯堡市, 創辦人Rick Maike 和Angela Leonard 是一對長期從事網路行銷事業的成功者,12 年前創立了美而健公司,是一家財務實力雄厚穩健的營養品保健公司。


● 一系列令人驚喜愛用的優質產品與全新誘人的事業機會,卻有著來自母公司穩如泰山經營團隊的基礎作為威樂的後盾,這正是一般進入創新企業機會所缺少的,在 威樂你享有著嶄新和經驗雄厚兩種深具威力條件的結合。
● 威樂國際 (Velocity International Marketing) 的產品系列由全美國最著名的一群研發團隊以21世紀生化高科技,配合東方尤其源自中國數千年來珍貴的,帝王級的草藥靈芝,紅景天,冬蟲夏草等成分與西方人最科學的營養成分結合而成的高質量營養產品。
● 幫助人類解決各種身體和健康上的問題,自由基的侵襲,身體各部位的疼痛,營養不足,精力不足,壓力卻超出,睡眠障礙接踵而至,透過威樂三合一產品的使用這類健康警訊迎刃而解。


‘誠實,正直,相互尊重,彼此關心 ,自由非凡的人生’

由Rick Maike 和 Angela Leonard 經營領導的威樂國際公司計畫在未來2~3年內進入全亞洲所有網路行銷的重要市場中國,臺灣,日本,韓國,泰國,俄羅斯,馬來西亞等,未來將威樂國際打造為網路行銷的航空母艦,同時締造出許許多多年收入逾千萬的經銷商。。

關於威樂的母公司:Healing America

威樂國際公司的母公司Healing America是一家已有12年歷史的網路行銷公司,創辦的幾位股東秉持為大眾提供高科技的保健品和21世紀最新預防保健理念,產品系列的主軸分為排毒健身系列,補充精力日常營養保健系列,減肥瘦身系列,身體特殊需求及男女更年期系列。
多年的努力結果,Healing America已擁有一棟5萬六千尺非常現代設備的辦公大樓,具有倉儲,訓練中心,會議室,電腦中心,幹部工作區等完善設備,公司並由專任醫學顧問Dr. Roy Brabaham 領導55位來自各界的醫學顧問所組成的研發團隊,生產和提供最新穎,尖端的優秀產品,美而健產品系列共有六大類別,產品種類將近40種,經銷商人數已超過8萬人,產品客戶也在數千人以上。
Healing America是非常穩健紮實的營養保健品公司,市場以美加為主。
威樂國際的核心價值觀是人們都深信不疑的 ‘:誠實,正直,相互尊重彼此關心’ 從一開始我們的目標一直是提供高品質,和最新高科技生產的產品滿足全世界人類健康方面的需求。我們的另外一項理想便是發掘菁英和領導,數年當中母公司美而健已有很多成功的直銷商,人生都屢創佳績並得到非凡的生活品質 。
威樂国际的行政團隊已為那些有長期理想目標的經銷商設定非常好的訓練,教育,使得他們盡速創造盈利,享用優秀的產品,正如我們的大計畫‘ 提升能源,打造最非凡的人生’有了以上各項強而有力的條件做為你的後盾,你可以信心滿滿的和我們一起走向成功的,輝煌的未來!!

美商威樂國際公司執行總裁—Rick Maike

威樂国际創辦人Rick Maike從事網路行銷的行業已有19年的歷史,他是從一個經銷商開始的,他幾乎是一開始就極為出色和成功,在他最初短短五年內他便發展出一個龐大的經銷商團隊。

Rick Maike於1994年受聘為某公司高層。針對該家公司的的優秀產品,Rick Maike設計開發了一套前所未見的市場行銷計畫。這套計畫非常具革命性在當時網路行銷的領域是前所未見的,如今卻成為最普及被多數網路行銷公司和經營者所擁抱習以為常的最佳獎勵計畫。由於Rick這項聰明智慧的設計和公司特殊的產品系列,這家公司開業90天便打破了許多當時網路行銷界的紀錄。

Rick的理想不僅於此,在1997年他終於決定開創他自己的網路行銷事業,他和Angela Leonard聯手開創了屬於他們自己的一家在業界非常受到尊敬、也歷久彌新的公司Healing America(美而健公司)。12年來的經營美而建有超過百萬的用戶,公司的市場以美國和加拿大為主。雖然美而健已是相當穩健有知名度的公司,Rick卻對全球的國際市場抱有更大的理想,他於2007年四月成立了威樂國際,目標為全球市場,威樂將與全球千千萬萬的經銷商一起成長為一家跨國的營養保健品企業。





Rick Maike, President, has an extensive manufacturing background and 17 years in the Direct Sales industry. He initially worked at the Associate level and rose to a top earner position. This first-hand experience enhances his understanding of our associates’ needs, expectations and motivators. Rick’s last twelve years have been spent on the corporate management side, which has provided him with a solid grasp of the support systems operational requirements for building and leading a dynamic company.

Angela Leonard, Director of Operations, draws on her background of designing benefit and compensation programs, as well as 12 years experience in Direct Sales. Her experience ranges from developing software to managing inventory, from data entry to customer service. Angela’s top priorities on a daily basis are serving associates and clients and ensuring that the checks go out on time. As a certified fitness trainer, her passion for health and wellness makes her the perfect resource for our clients and associates on their journey to better health.